Dominica Rice, founder and chef of Cosecha, is petite with
long glossy hair pulled back into a thick braid that makes her warm eyes stand
out--they sparkle with humor and what I like to call “mad food love.” When
asked about the roots of her passion for cooking, she explains that it started
with her grandmother. “I was born
in Chinatown (in Los Angeles) like my mother. She still lives there, and that
is where my grandparents have lived since the 50’s,” she shared before taking a
sip from her glass. “We were there every weekend with my grandmother--she was
this little old lady from Chihuahua, Mexico, and it was really nice hanging out
with her. She cooked all of the time, but after church she would take us out to
eat. Sometimes we would go to
Olvera Street for Mexican food, or Chinatown for a Chinese Won Ton soup brunch,
and she always wanted to try different places--it was a blast.”